Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Captain Phillips

I loved this movie. Actually I loved this movie so much that I watched the documentary on netflix on it. I think it was completely different from the other movies that we have watched throughout the class, but I enjoy mixing things up and I really loved this movie just because I was into it the whole time and able to watch it and understand it unlike some of the other movies we have watched. I have heard around about the pirating and how intense it actually is but I have never seen anything about it and was excited to watch about it. I think Captain Phillips did an amazing job handling the situation and was able to know what to do about it and everything, if I was in that position then I would not know what to do and probably be a terrible captain and freak out and cry. I think all the characters that were in the movie were portrayed as how they actually were. After all that is said, I really enjoyed this movie a lot, and would recommend this movie to anyone because it was amazing.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Apollo 13

I really enjoyed this movie. I was able to follow what was going on throughout the story. During the film I thought that the shuttle would make it to the moon and I was shocked that it didn't. When all the issues happened on the shuttle it shocked me and I was worried that something was going to go wrong. I would recommend this movie to others because it is a very good movie.

I think the budget is worth it for NASA. To be able to find new evidence from people going into space and finding new things is worth the money I think.

I feel it was a bad thing that the retirement of the space program happened. Going into space and exploring what is around and finding new things is needed for our country. Since we have the technology I don't see a reason why we shouldn't use it.


I thought that this movie was okay. It was accurate about the events and what happened. I can't imagine what is must of been like to be there at the time and partake in it. I would of been terrified and so caught up in what was happening I wouldn't even know what to do. I thought this movie was well made and got the events right and the movie was realistic.

Friday, April 4, 2014

The Pianist

Overall, I enjoyed the movie The Pianist. Some of the times the movie was hard to follow. To make it through the Holocaust and come out  as a new person is incredible and  very inspiring. This movie impacted me greatly and I think made an impact on others. I would think that not all of the Nazis were horrible people and that some of them had good intentions in them. As shown in the movie, they all did horrible things, but some of them were forced to do that and did not mean to be as cruel as they make themselves be. Hosenfeld was one of those who had an incredible heart and wanted good things to happen to people. Just like Szpilman, he was another human being. He was able to see Jews how they really were. Hosenfeld was one of the good ones that existed at the time and not many people were able to see that by his actions but inside he truly meant good things. Szpilman had no choice I think in trusting Hosenfeld. Hosenfeld had asked him to play the piano and he listened. If Hosenfeld really wanted to kill him he would have with no hesitation. At the end, Szpilman had no choice but to trust him even if he thought it was not the right decision and towards the end of the movie, Hosenfeld truly showed that he can be proven that he can be trusted.

Monday, March 31, 2014


Tuvia and his brothers are some of the most inspirational survivors in history. How they took so many people under their wings to provide them with a chance to live is something special and inspirational. At some parts of the film I thought that I was in the forest with the group of fighters. I also liked how the forest marriages gave people a sense of hope.
"Our revenge is to live" is a very important quote. People discriminating against the jewish race did everything did everything they could to wipe out the jewish population. In order to prove these people wrong, they had to live and work through it. Humanity and revenge are huge powerful themes that stand out in this movie. Revenge may not be positive but it is something that we must live through and battle through. Humanity on the other hand is positive.

The Godfather

I had always wanted to watch the Godfather and finally in your class I got to see it. I really enjoyed the film and wanted to watch the second one. I liked the character Michael he seemed real, and people could relate to him. He tried to escape his families legacy but he ended up getting caught up in it all. I really enjoyed seeing the movie from the bad guys perspective and how they were able to feed themselves and do what they needed to do and how they greatly valued family.
The person that is portrayed as the god father like is Vito Corleone. Nothing could get done in the community without him approving it or helping. I think the world was able to escape anything because Vito was replaced in full by his son Michael.
From the previous movies of organized crime that I have seen, the Godfather is extremely different. From this families point of view it was the only way to live. I think the classic feeling is just because of the perspective that the movie was in.

Miracle on Ice

This movie inspired me greatly. This movie is the movie i have enjoyed the most in the class, there was not one thing I didn't like about it. I play a bunch of sports and it made me think that no matter what i can be the best.
This event I would describe it as a group of men who have little to none experience playing hockey are thrown on the ice and have to compete against a bunch of teams that are really good and expected to fail against the teams they were playing. The team that everyone thought was amazing and no one could beat, they beat them. This relates not only to hockey to the country itself. At that time it happened to be the cold war. With what was going on between the countries and the relationships, they were able to defeat the commies.
One event that comes across my mind that relates to the movie is when the seal team took down Osama Bin Laden. He was an enemy of the United States for years and thought he was never going to be caught. Thanks to the seal team, Osama Bin Laden is no longer alive and not able to harm us anymore.

Thursday, February 27, 2014


I enjoyed watching the movie 42. I liked how they showed Jackie Robinson and the entering of the black men in the MLB. 42 showed me to never give up on my dreams even if I think poorly of myself at the time because you can accomplish anything you put your heart to. I think Robinson did an amazing job being able to not fight back even though he wanted nothing more than to be able to defend himself.
Jackie Robinson showed that african american men can be apart of sports and could be on the same team as white men. Also, I think Robinson impacted his teammates by showing them how dedicated he was to the sport and even through all the struggles he was going through he still was dedicated and loved every minute of it.
Jackie Robinson said, "A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives." I agree with this statement. I think it is very important to leave a positive impact on people because then they can go and do the same thing to other people. I believe that even the worst people in the world leave a positive impact on someone at some point in their life.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Cinderella Man

I believe the title is called "Cinderella Man" because i believe it shows a portrayal of how this man had a true cinderella story of his own. I enjoyed the film because i liked to see the truths behind the Great Depression. This movie made me feel sorry for everyone who was having financial issues. The children today may face the same issues because our stocks could just crash because we don't know how our economy is.

If my family was in the condition his family was going through I would steal some bread but nothing really extreme.

I think the way they portrayed Max was awful and they shouldn't have been that harsh. It made him look like a bad guy when he really isn't. I think it reflects badly on the directors.

When James begged for money it made me realize how much trouble he was going through. I felt sorry for him and it showed how desperate he was.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


The movie Tombstone I thought was not enjoyable at the beginning of the movie but towards the end i got into it a little more. Tombstone helped me understand what it was like living during the wild west. I also enjoyed the fashion during the time. For those people who are not well informed about the Wild West, watching Tombstone is something i recommend.
      Wyatt Earp has had a reputation before people witnessed his presence and his story of his shoot outs make him legendary for that reason. Wyatt Earp gained more respect from others because he stood up for his family and was fighting back after his brother was sadly killed. If i could i would like to live in the wild west just to see how the lifestyle is. But i do not think i could survive very long but i think the experience would be enjoyable and a story i could pass on to others.

Thursday, February 6, 2014


Overall, I liked the movie Glory. The movie kept me interested as to what was happening along with having historical events that pertain to the civil war. The movie showed a huge problem which is racism and I thought the actors and the directors did a really nice job portraying the message and the problem throughout the movie.  In the movie, the black soldiers were treated very poorly while the white soldiers were treated much better which in my opinion is completely unfair and still is an issue we deal with today. No matter what race you are everyone should be treated the same and get equal rights, which is a huge issue we deal with today.

I think that people are willing to die for their country for many reasons. One, if people are so willing to do anything they can for their country that should show to other people that they should be able to go out and do something along those lines. Maybe not fight in a war, but something like that to save people or help the country and be a leader to those who don't do anything. Also, being the first african americans to risk their lives for the country is a good thing so then other african americans will go out and do the same thing because they are inspired. Shaw in my eyes, is a hero to many people. He led the first black infantry. Even though he died in the battle with his men he still gave it his all and did everything he could.

The 54th Massachusetts showed that African Americans had the ability to fight and how brave they were. Having the African Americans that can fight also says that anyone can be able to fight for their country and not give up and also shows how they are very brave.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

My Introduction

Hi, my name is Shayna. I would say a word that best describes myself is enthusiastic. My goal is to be nice to everyone and try to help anyone with anything they need help in. My favorite part about school is writing. I love writing and when I write it relaxes me and lets me think about a lot of things. I enjoy writing in my free time and writing is a great way to express my feelings. I really dislike learning about Biology. I think it is boring to learn and the teaching way is not the way I like to learn. I like to play basketball and volleyball and also participate in clubs after school. My favorite teacher would have to be Miss Mastin. The way she helps everyone when they need help and accommodates everyone and also her teaching ways are great because she teaches everything in many different ways, and she never has an attitude with any student. I like history and would be willing to learn more about it if instead of just taking notes do more activities or watch films.

I am disappointed in humanity because everyone uses technology as much as they can and technology is the base of many things now a days. People use technology as things for like talking and more people just text instead of talking in person. Also, the internet is used to get information off for school work instead of doing the work many people just use the internet to get everything and all of the ideas aren't their own. Another thing is that everything is being transferred to online instead of paper and pen. In school, the work is slowly going to all computer based. But other than that, I am pleased with humanity.